Can’t log in?
If you can not log in, please contact KSU’s ServiceDesk on or by calling +46(0)155-26 35 51.
Select the application you want to log in to, for example Blenda.
Be sure to use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge because Microsoft Explorer is no longer supported. If you want to save a bookmark for your Page, do so after you sign in. The authentication page does not store information about where you came from.
You must have received an account and login credentials to log in. If you don’t have an account but need it, apply for it at the bottom of this page.
If you still can´t sign in, even if you have an account, please contact KSU’s ServiceDesk on or by calling +46(0)155-26 35 51.
You must have received an account and login credentials to log in. If you do not yet have an account, mail us for help or questions.
If you can not log in, please contact KSU’s ServiceDesk on or by calling +46(0)155-26 35 51.