Reactor-proximate Systems

The course is aimed at personnel who will be working in the reactor hall or with actuators, fuel and control rods.

The course provides basic theoretical knowledge prior to working with reactor-proximate systems, and thereby prior knowledge ahead of further practical training in, for example, reactor halls or actuator work.

The main content of the course

  • Terminology and definitions
  • Safety and risks
  • The reactor building
  • Reactor containment
  • The main process
  • Reactor physics
  • Fuel and control rods
  • In-core instrumentation
  • Rules and procedures
  • Defence-in-depth principle

The course lasts for one day.

Personnel from the power stations and contractors must apply via their immediate manager in accordance with the procedures for the power stations in question. External customers should send an e-mail to for a quotation request regarding the price of an entire course session or individual course locations.)


Course registration

  • Contact regarding our courses and training

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Course information

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