Technology and training facility – an opportunity for the nuclear power industry
At our training facility Technology and training centre, TTC, there are today unique opportunities for training in an art-like environment. Although the world around us is becoming more and more digital, there is a great need for practical training and expertise in the construction, function and collaboration of components in a technical process. A simple question like: "Which way do you turn to open a valve?" is not so simple anymore.
In the training facility, unique learning environments have been built up, including flow circuit with pumps, valves and heat exchangers, a transparent flow circuit, an apparatus room for process control and a small control room, practice switchgear, two overhead cranes, etc.
Supplemented with other components and equipment, this is an excellent facility for developing competence regarding the construction, function and interaction of components in a technical process with “hands-on” as an educational model.
This is an excellent facility for learning about maintenance and operations with the aim of contributing to safe, stable and efficient operations of our Swedish nuclear power plants.