KSU Wiki and e-compendiums


E-compendiums constitute a digital library in wiki format containing training material that was previously delivered in print.

E-compendiums constitute a digital library in wiki format containing training material that was previously delivered in print. We have used the Tiki Wiki tool.

The wiki format has the advantage of enabling links to particular sections of text, images, other pages, PDF documents, films, animations and external websites.

Additional advantages:

  • changes to e-compendiums can be made online and the effects are immediate
  • version management, compares versions for tracing changes
  • comments
  • monitoring, should someone make a change or add a comment, you will be notified by e-mail
  • mouse-over text functionality for explaining abbreviations or difficult words.


Do you want to know more about this product?

Don’t hesitate to contact us/me, Maria Skogqvist, Head of Innovation & Support at maria.skogqvist@ksu.se to discuss how we could help you. You can also download a product sheet below.

Product: KSU Wiki / E-compendiums