Technology and training facility – an opportunity for the nuclear power industry
Though our world is becoming more and more digitised, there is a great need of knowledge in the design, function and interoperability of components in a technical process. A seemingly simple question such as, “Which way do I turn to open a valve?” is no longer that simple.
The technology and training facility in Forsmark will use training and education to build knowledge of the design, function and interoperability of components in technical processes in nuclear power plants.
In the training facility, we are building flow circuits with pumps, valves and heat exchangers, an apparatus room for process management and a small control room, a training switchyard, etc. With other components and equipment added, we will create an excellent facility for learning about maintenance and operations with the aim of contributing to safe, stable and efficient operations of our Swedish nuclear power plants. Using digital technology and new methods, we are enhancing learning by creating realistic environments to train in.
Do you want to know more about TTC?
Don’t hesitate to contact us/me, Maria Skogqvist, Head of Innovation & Support at to discuss how we could help you.
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